Sunday, December 23, 2012

Much Needed Update!

So as it turns out, I'm the worst blogger EVER. It has been over a month since I've updated! We're 21 weeks (22 weeks on Thursday) and a lot has happened in the last month! Here is a shot from 19 weeks!!

On November 27, we had another ultrasound and were able to find out that Baby M will be... a BOY! We decided to have some fun while telling our families. Kevin baked a blue cake and we had our families cut into the cake to reveal the gender!

Our families were both thrilled and the shopping has begun!!

At the same ultrasound we found out that my placenta has moved away from my cervix, meaning unless something else comes up, we won't need to schedule a c-section!

On December 11, we had our anatomy scan and Baby M is perfectly healthy! Everything is measuring exactly how it's supposed to, his heart rate is great, and holy cow is he active!!

Speaking of being active... I can finally feel him!! It is by far the most incredible feeling in the entire world and I can't wait for Kevin to feel it. I feel our little guy daily now, and I'm hoping soon he's strong enough for his daddy to feel him from the outside!!

Kevin and I bought this the other week and can't wait for our little guy to rock it :)

We just spent the weekend in Newport, and decided to go swimming in the indoor pool. I was hesitant to post this, but I'm doing it!! I rocked a bikini!! Here is the bump at 21 weeks :)

On to the weekly (or monthly, since I stink at keeping up) stats!!

How far along?  21 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss?  We are up to 154, 14 pounds gained! Luckily, I'm right on track with weight gain.

Maternity clothes? Officially love my maternity leggings and sweaters. If I could wear leggings every day I would. 

Stretch marks? Nope! Fingers crossed!

Sleep? I'm waking up around 2:30 or 3:00 am every day and struggling to go back to sleep. I think it has something to do with the fact that I can only sleep on my side and I'm a back sleeper normally. Baby M's way of getting me ready for his arrival, I guess!

Best moment last week? Feeling Baby M in there!! 

Movement?  Yup! Every day!!

Food cravings? Mac and cheese... other than that I haven't craved much!

Labor signs? Wayyyy too early.

Belly button in/out? Just my normal innie... except it's starting to get super shallow and weird looking. Eek!

What I miss: Sleeping on my back

What I am looking forward to: Kevin feeling his son move for the first time <3

Milestones: Found out Baby M is a little man!!

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