Saturday, November 17, 2012

We're 4 months along!!

I feel like it has been forever since I've posted! We've had another doctor's appointment and taken a new weekly picture, so here we go with updates:

Doctor's Appointment:

We had an appointment last Tuesday. The ladies at the office are incredible and we had a lot of fun! Lots of laughing and giggling about how funny Baby M is already. The ultrasound tech said she THINKS she knows what the sex is, but wasn't confident enough to tell us. We have another ultrasound on the 27th, so hopefully then!

Baby M was hysterical during the ultrasound. He/she had their entire hand in their mouth, was moving them around like crazy, and at one point even turned toward us and put both hands in between his/her legs hiding the goods from our view haha Love him/her!!

Baby M is healthy, but we did find out I have Placenta Previa. This means that my placenta is covering my cervix (which is what needs to open for Baby M to make his/her entrance into the world).  The doctor is hoping that it moves away from my cervix as the uterus grows. If it decides to stay put, they'll have to perform a C-Section between 36 and 38 weeks to avoid me going into labor with my cervix blocked. They'll be monitoring it, but for now we're just doing a lot of positive thinking!!

Now, on to the weekly picture and stats! I was too busy to do the weekly board this week, but we're 16 Weeks and 2 days!

How far along?  16 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss?  I weighed in at 146 last appointment, only 6 pounds more than when we got pregnant. 

Maternity clothes?  Just bought some cute baggy shirts and a few long sweaters with a belt. Kevin's mom has bought me 2 maternity jeans and my mom and I will be going shopping soon! Luckily, I'm still to small to fit into them, but it will be nice to have it all ready for when I need them!

Stretch marks? Not yet.

Sleep? Ah-ma-zing. I fall asleep really early and sleep until 5am, only waking up a few times to use the girl's room. My napping has decreased a lot, which is nice!

Best moment last week? Got my first belly rub from someone... While this isn't something I'm normally going to enjoy people doing, I was REALLY excited that someone realized I was pregnant and I looked big enough for them to actually say, "Oh how cute" and touch my belly. 

Movement?  Nothing yet... Not only is my silly placenta on top of my cervix, it's also anterior, which means it's close to my belly, so we may not feel Baby M for quite some time since I'll have the placenta softening the blow. 

Food cravings? Salad... specifically caesar or parmesan peppercorn dressing. I wouldn't say it's a craving so much as when I see them I can't stop thinking about them, but I have been downing Salt and Vinegar potato chips lately.

Labor signs? Wayyyy too early.

Belly button in/out? Just my normal innie.

What I miss: Nothing, really!! I'm SO happy and love being pregnant. LOVE it!

What I am looking forward to: Knowing if we're team "blue" or team "pink"

Milestones: Starting to compile what we need for Baby M and even buying a few things here and there :)

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