Thursday, August 11, 2016

Week 6!

We've made it to week 6 and the infamous morning sickness (better known as all day long sickness) has finally set in. Declan has been a trooper, and has given me lots of extra love because, "Mommy's belly hurts."

On Sunday my family had a huge reunion/ birthday celebration and we told my parents. They were completely shocked!

Let's get on to those weekly stats!

How far along?  6 weeks 

Total weight gain/loss?  Nada yet

Maternity clothes? No maternity clothes, but lots of comfortable pants/sweats.

Stretch marks? Nada

Sleep? Sleep was okay this week. As long as I can sleep through the night, I'm good. If I wake up I get smacked with nausea and it's hard to fall back asleep.

Best moment last week? Telling my family.

Movement? Too early!

Food cravings? Nope. More like food aversions. I have to force myself to eat! Unless it's S'mores... I would like S'mores, but I haven't been able to convince Kevin to go get what I need to make them. It's probably for the better :)

Labor signs? Wayyyy too early.

Belly button in/out? Same ole belly button.

What I miss: Just being able to play and hang out with D like I normally do. I feel so sick that I'm much slower and don't run around like I used to. I feel so bad, but he's a trooper!

What I am looking forward to: Ultrasound in T-minus 2 weeks!

Milestones: No real milestones this week!

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