Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Week 14

Here we are! Week 14. I started school again this week (starting year 2 of the 4 year program), and if my energy level doesn't come up a tad, this is going to be an interesting semester!

Declan started pre-school full time this week and he is doing so well! The first few days were rough, but this week has been amazing. He even went on a field trip today... rode a school bus and ate FIVE pieces of pizza. He was in his element.

This week he's started kissing my belly, saying hi to the baby, and asking if the baby is growing, since "your belly is getting so big." It's an amazing experience watching Declan go through this pregnancy with us. Every Tuesday when the "week" changes we watch a short clip of what development is happening that week. Tonight he curled up, and when they showed the animation of the baby, he squealed, "Oh! They baby is SO CUTE." <3

I thought it would be fun to look back every once in a while and compare my first pregnancy to this one.

Here are the weekly stats:

How far along?  14 weeks

Total weight gain/loss?  I think we're up to 4, but honestly I have no clue.

Maternity clothes? I bought a few things online and they'll be here soon. I've never done any online shopping, so here's to hoping it goes well!

Stretch marks? Nada

Sleep? We started going through the old baby things in storage and found my Boppy. My life is now amazing. It helps me get a good night's sleep and I'm so thankful for it!

Best moment last week? Declan kicking butt at pre-school. Proud mama!

Movement? Nothing yet. We found out I have an anterior placenta (meaning it's in the front), so it may be a while before I'm feeling anything.

Food cravings? No cravings (okay, my DQ Blizzard... but that was before I was pregnant, too), but I'm starting to be able to eat a wider variety of foods.

Labor signs? Wayyyy too early.

Belly button in/out? Way, way an innie

What I miss: My energy!

What I am looking forward to: Appointment tomorrow and hearing that beautiful heartbeat.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Week 12

Hey hey hey! Week 12 is here. With Declan, I woke up on the day I hit 12 weeks and felt like a new human. This baby is giving me a run for my money (hopefully not a foreshadowing!) and I still feel sick as a dog. I'm going to try a new medication today and am hoping that it will help.

We made our social media announcement this week. We cannot thank everyone enough for the love we felt with the announcement. It was incredible. Baby 2.0 is due in the middle of the spring semester, 2 years into my 4 year doctoral program, so keep the love and support coming as we make that major transition! Here are a few of our favorite shots from out family shoot.

We also had our first trimester screening today! Babe looks great!

On to the stats:

How far along?  12 weeks

Total weight gain/loss?  Up 2- all I can stand to eat is JUNK which is killing me. Especially after the drastic lifestyle change that Kevin and I went through in April. I just want to eat a vegetable.

Maternity clothes? I bought a new set of Belly Bands and they're saving my life.

Stretch marks? Nada

Sleep? My adorable preschooler brought home a cold, so sleep has been rough with a runny nose and sore throat... on top of sore hips. Naps are also less frequent because school is picking up and I need to use Declan's naps to get work done on days he's not in pre-school.

Best moment last week? Social media announcement and seeing little babe :)

Movement? Every once in a while I think I feel a flutter. And realize it's gas hahaha

Food cravings? No no no no no. I hate food.

Labor signs? Wayyyy too early.

Belly button in/out? Way, way an innie

What I miss: Keeping my food down (I'm keeping this from last week)

What I am looking forward to: hitting the 2nd tri and hopefully feeling better (Keeping this, too!)

Week 10

Hey all!

We're just a few weeks away from our social media announcement, and part 2 of this blog going live. I'm so excited!

I skipped posting and taking a picture on week 9 because I was SO sick. I'm still really sick, but at least I can look at a computer screen this week.

Today I made the sign that we'll use in our family photo shoot in a few weeks. Here's Declan modeling it sans pants.

Here's the week 10 "bump," or "blump" (bloat & bump) as I like to call it.

How far along?  10 weeks

Total weight gain/loss?  Down 2 lbs

Maternity clothes? Nope! Although, my shorts are getting a little tight.

Stretch marks? Nada

Sleep? I cannot get enough sleep. I sleep all night (minus getting up for the bathroom about 3 times a night) and try to get a nap in every day. Luckily, D still naps about 2 hours a day, so I can usually get one in.

Best moment last week? Declan telling me that he was going to give the baby some of his toys <3

Movement? Too soon!

Food cravings? Omg, no. Starting at week 6 I've had constant nausea. I started on medication for it around week 8. I get sick 4-5 times a day still, and have another appointment tomorrow to hopefully talk about stronger meds. Poor Declan keeps saying, "why is the baby making you so sick?"

Labor signs? Wayyyy too early.

Belly button in/out? Way, way an innie

What I miss: Keeping my food down

What I am looking forward to: hitting the 2nd tri and hopefully feeling better

Week 6!

We've made it to week 6 and the infamous morning sickness (better known as all day long sickness) has finally set in. Declan has been a trooper, and has given me lots of extra love because, "Mommy's belly hurts."

On Sunday my family had a huge reunion/ birthday celebration and we told my parents. They were completely shocked!

Let's get on to those weekly stats!

How far along?  6 weeks 

Total weight gain/loss?  Nada yet

Maternity clothes? No maternity clothes, but lots of comfortable pants/sweats.

Stretch marks? Nada

Sleep? Sleep was okay this week. As long as I can sleep through the night, I'm good. If I wake up I get smacked with nausea and it's hard to fall back asleep.

Best moment last week? Telling my family.

Movement? Too early!

Food cravings? Nope. More like food aversions. I have to force myself to eat! Unless it's S'mores... I would like S'mores, but I haven't been able to convince Kevin to go get what I need to make them. It's probably for the better :)

Labor signs? Wayyyy too early.

Belly button in/out? Same ole belly button.

What I miss: Just being able to play and hang out with D like I normally do. I feel so sick that I'm much slower and don't run around like I used to. I feel so bad, but he's a trooper!

What I am looking forward to: Ultrasound in T-minus 2 weeks!

Milestones: No real milestones this week!

And then there were FOUR!!

That's right! Kevin and I are expecting Baby Monahan 2.0 sometime in late February, 2017! We are SO exited. In November of 2015, we decided we would like to grow our family a little more and started trying for another baby. Seven long, long months later we found out we were expecting.

I was at a conference for UConn in early June. I came home that Friday *knowing* that I was pregnant. I could not get home fast enough to take a test with Kevin. We got home and went to dinner with Kevin's mom. As soon as we were able to, we took a test and those two little lines took absolutely no time to pop up!

We took pictures at 4 weeks (obviously) so here's a side by side.

(The picture on the left should say 2012 but I'm too lazy to change it...)

This weekend we told Kevin's parents by giving them a little gift from Declan... even though he has no idea what's going on.

 Today (6/21/16) I hit the 5 week mark and Baby M 2.0 is the size of an apple seed. So teeny!  On to the weekly stats :)

How far along?  5 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: I'm starting this pregnancy at 146 (10 lbs above where I started with D), but am in MUCH better shape than 4 years ago!

Maternity Clothes: nope

Stretch Marks: nope

Sleep? It's been a little rough in that I'm up to use the bathroom a few times a night, but I also have a toddler who thinks 3am is "wake up time," so I'm used to running on broken up sleep.

Best moment last week: We found out a little over a week ago, but I'm going to go with that moment. After trying for 7 months, I cried like a baby!

Movement: nope

Food cravings? I wanted brussel sprouts so badly last week. So I got them and have eaten them boiled, roasted, sauteed, and shredded raw. SO GOOD.

Gender: No idea!

What I miss: Wine. I miss my wine. But I would trade the wine for this a million times over.

What I'm looking forward to: Our first ultrasound (probably 8-ish weeks)

Milestones: Finding out!!