Thursday, October 18, 2012

Week 12!

So this week Baby M hit the coveted 12 week mark. I literally woke up this morning feeling AMAZING. Like a different person. Maybe I really feel better, or maybe my brain is telling me I'm supposed to because I've hit 12 weeks. Either way, I am happy. My students even noticed a difference, telling me, "Mrs. Monahan, you seem way happier today than you have all year." I couldn't help but laugh :)

I'm chowing down on homemade fried pickles (thanks to the hubby) and sipping on white grape juice from a wine glass.

Here's my 12 week picture!

How far along?  12 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss?  I'm up a few pounds.

Maternity clothes?  Belly bands, belly belts, and lots and lots of stretchy clothes!

Stretch marks? Not yet.

Sleep? I'm waking up to pee non-stop, but luckily I fall right back asleep after! 

Best moment last week? Telling family!!

Movement?  Not yet! But Baby M can move all joints and if we were able to poke Baby M he/she would react by moving! 

Food cravings? No cravings here, but I'm eating a lot more since I can actually stomach food!

Labor signs? Wayyyy too early.

Belly button in/out? Just my normal innie.

What I miss: Still miss my wine, but I would give up absolutely anything to go through this experience with Kevin.

What I am looking forward to: Seeing a bump that isn't just fat ;)

Milestones: I can feel my uterus when I lay down. It's a hard little bump in between my hip bones.

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