Thursday, December 29, 2016

32 Weeks!

Remember that time I said I was going to keep on top of the blog this pregnancy? Yeah, I thought it was a pretty funny joke, too. The semester and the pregnancy combined ended up kicking my butt, and when I disconnected from Facebook, I didn't put as much thought into the blog. So here we are, with a 9 week gap. I'm determined to blog every 2 weeks through the rest of the pregnancy (which shouldn't be too hard because that's really only like 2 more posts....)

We're waiting on one more set of bloodwork, but everyone seems pretty convinced that my ICP (Cholestasis) is back. I had it with Declan, which is why he was induced early. My liver just doesn't like being pregnant and apparently can't hold it together. Once we have confirmation from this last blood test, we'll likely schedule a C-section at 37 weeks (which is the END OF JANUARY. Holy crap.)

We've been pretty busy with the holidays, but things are slowing down now. Which is good, because the baby's room is in shambles. Speaking of "baby," we think we changed his name. Kev and I both woke up one day and randomly decided this tiny human isn't Owen. We're playing around with a few options, but won't nail anything down until he's here.

Let's do some stats :)

How far along?  32 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss?  I think we're hovering around 30 lbs gained, which I'm trying not to beat myself up over. I had high hopes of being more active and healthy this pregnancy, but trying to juggle being a mom, wife, and PhD student was hard and I let my nutrition slip.

Maternity clothes? Uh, some of my maternity clothes don't fit. I live in one pair of jeans and one pair of leggings on permanent rotation...

Stretch marks? I think I see some, but they're on the underside of my belly so they're hard for me to see.

Sleep? Oh man, I sleep like a rock... until I have to pee or switch sides due to hip pain. I'm not sure I had this kind of pain with Declan, but holy smokes. I wake up and my hips are on FIRE. Luckily, I can fall back asleep easily and have only had one night of not being able to sleep at all.

Best moment last week? Declan came to our last ultrasound with us and was absolutely smitten. He asked me if the baby could come out that day. He's going to be an amazing big brother.

Movement?  Sure thing. This baby seems much lower than Declan was so luckily his jabs don't hit my ribs and aren't painful. Woo!

Food cravings? Not really.

Labor signs? This is something I never experienced with Declan, but I get contractions when I over-do it. They aren't anywhere near consistent but it's not pleasant.

Belly button in/out? Kind of neither? Not an innie anymore, but it's definitely not an outtie either.

What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach...

What I am looking forward to: Meeting this little munchkin! And getting the blood work back so we have a concrete plan.

Milestones: Our ultrasound confirmed that my placenta moved away from my cervix. Good job, placenta!